Kollégáink, Vida Krisztina és Szalavetz Andrea is részt vettek a “Creating Greater Synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries” című konferencián, melyet a University of Bratislava és a Warsaw School of Economics szervezett. A konferenciát a Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap támogatta.
Részletek és program ide kattintva érhető el.
Our colleagues, Krisztina Vida and Andrea Szalavetz attended the conference entitled “Creating Greater Synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries”. The conference was organized by the University of Bratislava and Warsaw School of Economics and has been co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund.
Click here to download further details and the conference programme.