Fields of research

Fields of reserach
Aug 30, 2022 | 14:33
Research in the Institute is divided among three research groups: European Integration, Development Economics, and the Economics of Globalization. The Research Group on European Integration maps the internal dynamics of the EU and its role in global relations. The Research Group on Development Economics analyzes development in the world economy with a special focus on emerging markets, including the Global South, and models of capitalism. The Research Group on the Economics of Globalization focuses on international economic, financial, and political dynamics shaping the global political economy. The interests of researchers have increasingly converged around their shared interests in sustainability, leading them to collaborate on issues linked to the green transition. The shared objective of our researchers is to identify mechanisms and dynamics shaping the world economy to provide a better understanding of state responses; to which end, we frequently invoke comparative analyses. Our work also analyzes the trajectory of Hungary’s economy as well as its ability to respond to and shape international events.
Read more2022.08.30. | 14:33
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