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Czina, V.: The effectiveness of the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism

The effectiveness of the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism   Author: Veronika Czina In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 10(1), 171-188. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v10i1.1212   Abstract The effectiveness of post-accession conditionality within the EU has been of pivotal importance for the EU in past years. The European Union has plenty of tools […]

Varju, M., Czina, V., Cseres, K., Várnay, E.: Annulment Actions and the V4: Taking Legislative Conflicts Before the CJEU

Annulment Actions and the V4: Taking Legislative Conflicts Before the CJEU   Authors: Marton Varju, Veronika Czina, Katalin Cseres, Ernő Várnay In: Politics and Governance, 12, Article 7473 DOI:   Abstract The EU member states have been using the action for annulment to challenge the legality of EU measures while pursuing a range of […]

Czina, V.: Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses

Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses   Author: Veronika Czina In: Allegra Wirmer, Irene Rusconi (eds.) How can an expanding EU best protect rule of law and democracy? European Council Experts’ Debrief, February 2024, pp. 5-6.   Abstract The institutions of the EU have been busy trying to reform […]

Czina, V., Szigetvári, T., Túry, G.: Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary

Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary   Authors: Veronika Czina, Tamás Szigetvári, Gábor Túry In: Kaeding, M., Pollak, J., Schmidt, P. (eds) Enlargement and the Future of Europe. Springer, Cham, (2023). pp. 55-59. DOI:   Abstract The current Hungarian foreign policy is committed to the integration of the Western Balkan countries and has […]