Sass, M., Vlčková, J.: The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary
The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary Authors: Magdolna Sass, Jana Vlčková In: Competition & Change, 0(0), (2024) DOI: Abstract This study examines how changing state activism has influenced the internationalization of Czech and Hungarian MNEs after the global financial crisis. Identifying four key channels […]
Hungary is the recent European leader in Chinese investment: but who benefits?
Hungary is the recent European leader in Chinese investment: but who benefits? Article by Magdolna Sass on the Institute of World Economics’ blog Over the past two decades, China’s share of the world economy’s total FDI stock has grown rapidly. While in 2000 the country’s share was negligible, by 2023 it accounted for […]
Éltető, A.: Aspects of electric vehicle battery production in Hungary
Working Paper Nr. 271
Götz, M., Éltető, A., Sass, M.: Still attractive for FDI? Location advantages of Visegrád countries in the digital era – the case of Poland and Hungary
Still attractive for FDI? Location advantages of Visegrád countries in the digital era – the case of Poland and Hungary Authors: Marta Götz, Andrea Éltető, Magdolna Sass In: European Journal of International Management, 2023 Vol.20 No.1, pp.66 – 88 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2022.10054592 Abstract The economic development of Central European countries has been based on […]