Przyłuska-Schmitt, J., Jegorow, D., Szigetvári T.: Considerations on currency reform in Germany after World War II
Considerations on currency reform in Germany after World War II Authors: Przyłuska-Schmitt Judyta, Jegorow Dorota, Tamás Szigetvári In: Revista de Economia Política, 44 (4), 802-812. Absztrakt This article is theoretical and presents the currency reform of June 20, 1948, which laid the basis for the reconstruction and rebirth of the West German economy […]
Muth, D.: Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies
Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies Author: Dániel Muth In: Ecological Economics, 214(2023), 107995 DOI: Abstract There is general agreement among economists and climate policy practitioners that carbon pricing should play a central role among all policies […]