Artner, A.: Global Encirclement and Prospects of Socialism in the 21st Century

Global Encirclement and Prospects of Socialism in the 21st Century Author: Annamária Artner In: Russia in Global Affairs, 21(4), 96-122. DOI: 10.31278/1810-6374-2023-21-4-96-122 Abstract This article aims to contribute to the discussion about the ongoing transformation of the present unipolar, hegemonistic capitalist world order to a multipolar and fairer global system. The author claims […]
Artner, A., Yin, Z.: Towards a non-hegemonic world order – emancipation and the political agency of the Global South in a changing world order

Towards a non-hegemonic world order – emancipation and the political agency of the Global South in a changing world order Authors: Annamária Artner, Zhiguang Yin In: Third World Quarterly DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2023.2251422 Abstract This introduction presents an overview of this collection. It aims to clarify the making of the modern world order through the […]