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Sass, M., Vlčková, J.: The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary

The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary   Authors: Magdolna Sass, Jana Vlčková In: Competition & Change, 0(0), (2024) DOI:   Abstract This study examines how changing state activism has influenced the internationalization of Czech and Hungarian MNEs after the global financial crisis. Identifying four key channels […]

Éltető, A., Vlčková, J., Křenková, E., Túry G.: Disruptions and resilience building in Central European automotive supply chains

Disruptions and resilience building in Central European automotive supply chains   Authors: Andrea Éltető, Jana Vlčková, Eva Křenková, Gábor Túry In: Journal of East European Management Studies, 28(3), 557-578. DOI:   Abstract In this paper, we focus on the disruptions of automotive GSCs and their resilience building in Central Europe where the economic role […]