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Mazač, J., Muth, D., Mišík, M., Tichý, L., Żuk, P.: Civic Energy Self-Defense in the Visegrad Gruop

Civic Energy Self-Defense in the Visegrad Gruop   Authors: Jan Mazač, Dániel Muth, Matúš Mišík, Lukáš Tichý, Paweł Żuk In: Civic Energy Self-Defense in the Visegrad Gruop. Bratislava: Comenius University, September 2024   Abstract The war in Ukraine has triggered several different psychological, social, and economic reactions in societies. In the socio-economic aspect, the armed […]

Muth, D.: Investigating the mechanisms linking revenue recycling to increased political acceptability of carbon pricing: The case study of the Irish carbon tax reform

Investigating the mechanisms linking revenue recycling to increased political acceptability of carbon pricing: The case study of the Irish carbon tax reform   Author: Dániel Muth In: Review of Policy Research – 11 June 2024 DOI:   Abstract This paper analyzes the causal relationship between the carbon tax’s revenue recycling measures and political acceptability. […]

Muth, D., Weiner, C., Lakócai, Cs. Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference?

Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference? Authors: Dániel Muth, Csaba Weiner, Csaba Lakócai In: Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14, 30 (2024) DOI: Abstract Background To curb human-made carbon-dioxide emissions, the European Union will introduce carbon pricing for buildings and transport in 2027. […]

Kollégánk, Muth Dániel elnyerte a Frontiers Research Foundation National Champions díját

Kihirdették a 2024-es Nemzeti Bajnokokat. Világszerte tudósok versengenek az 1,1 millió dolláros Frontiers Planet Prize-ért.   2024-ben második alkalommal választottak be 23 tudóst a nemzetközi fenntarthatósági verseny tudományos döntőjébe. Munkatársunk Muth Dániel a 23 tudós egyike. Kollégánk a Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of […]

Muth, D.: Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies

Pathways to stringent carbon pricing: Configurations of political economy conditions and revenue recycling strategies. A comparison of thirty national level policies   Author: Dániel Muth In: Ecological Economics, 214(2023), 107995 DOI:   Abstract There is general agreement among economists and climate policy practitioners that carbon pricing should play a central role among all policies […]