Jaklič, A., Sass, M.: Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe After Two Decades of EU Enlargement: Slovenian and Hungarian Perspectives
Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe After Two Decades of EU Enlargement: Slovenian and Hungarian Perspectives Authors: Andreja Jaklič, Magdolna Sass In: Acta Histriae, 32(3), 321-340. Abstract This article examines foreign direct investment (FDI) as an indicator of economic integration, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the two decades […]
Sass, M., Vlčková, J.: The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary
The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary Authors: Magdolna Sass, Jana Vlčková In: Competition & Change, 0(0), (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/10245294241300680 Abstract This study examines how changing state activism has influenced the internationalization of Czech and Hungarian MNEs after the global financial crisis. Identifying four key channels […]
Czina, V.: The effectiveness of the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism
The effectiveness of the EU’s rule of law conditionality mechanism Author: Veronika Czina In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 10(1), 171-188. DOI: 10.17356/ieejsp.v10i1.1212 Abstract The effectiveness of post-accession conditionality within the EU has been of pivotal importance for the EU in past years. The European Union has plenty of tools for […]
Muth, D., Weiner, C., Lakócai, Cs. Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference?
Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference? Authors: Dániel Muth, Csaba Weiner, Csaba Lakócai In: Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14, 30 (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13705-024-00463-2 Abstract Background To curb human-made carbon-dioxide emissions, the European Union will introduce carbon pricing for buildings and transport in 2027. […]
Czina, V.: Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses
Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses Author: Veronika Czina In: Allegra Wirmer, Irene Rusconi (eds.) How can an expanding EU best protect rule of law and democracy? European Council Experts’ Debrief, February 2024, pp. 5-6. Abstract The institutions of the EU have been busy trying to reform […]