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Muth, D., Weiner, C., Lakócai, Cs. Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference?

Public support and willingness to pay for a carbon tax in Hungary: can revenue recycling make a difference? Authors: Dániel Muth, Csaba Weiner, Csaba Lakócai In: Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14, 30 (2024) DOI: Abstract Background To curb human-made carbon-dioxide emissions, the European Union will introduce carbon pricing for buildings and transport in 2027. […]

Czina, V.: Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses

Challenges in protecting rule of law: the Hungarian case and EU responses   Author: Veronika Czina In: Allegra Wirmer, Irene Rusconi (eds.) How can an expanding EU best protect rule of law and democracy? European Council Experts’ Debrief, February 2024, pp. 5-6.   Abstract The institutions of the EU have been busy trying to reform […]

Éltető, A., Martin, J.P.: Captured institutions and permeated business – the longevity of Hungarian autocracy

Captured institutions and permeated business – the longevity of Hungarian autocracy   Authors: Andrea Éltető, József Péter Martin   In: Post-Communist Economies, (2024) DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2024.2306423   Abstract The aim of the article is to show how modern autocracies can distort traditional institutions’ principles of functioning and form state–business relations for their own benefit. Our case […]

Czina, V., Szigetvári, T., Túry, G.: Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary

Enlargement at All Costs? A View from Hungary   Authors: Veronika Czina, Tamás Szigetvári, Gábor Túry In: Kaeding, M., Pollak, J., Schmidt, P. (eds) Enlargement and the Future of Europe. Springer, Cham, (2023). pp. 55-59. DOI:   Abstract The current Hungarian foreign policy is committed to the integration of the Western Balkan countries and has […]

Éltető. A., Szemlér, T.: Hungary in the European Union – Cooperation, Peacock Dance and Autocracy

Hungary in the European Union – Cooperation, Peacock Dance and Autocracy   Authors: Andrea Éltető, Tamás Szemlér In: Comparative Southeast European Studies, 71(3), 272-299. DOI:   Abstract Hungary had been one of the frontrunners in the political and economic transition process in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s, and in 2004 it joined […]