Sass, M., Vlčková, J.: The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary
The impact of state activism on domestic multinationals: The case of Czechia and Hungary Authors: Magdolna Sass, Jana Vlčková In: Competition & Change, 0(0), (2024) DOI: Abstract This study examines how changing state activism has influenced the internationalization of Czech and Hungarian MNEs after the global financial crisis. Identifying four key channels […]
Csontos, T., Éltető, A., Sass, M.: Aspects of European competitiveness – in the light of the Hungarian Presidency
Aspects of European competitiveness – in the light of the Hungarian Presidency Authors: Tamás Csontos, Andrea Éltető, Magdolna Sass In: HUN-REN CERS, Institute of World Economics, Working Paper Nr. 280 (2024) December 2024 Abstract Competitiveness is a complex concept that can be applied at various levels, such as micro-, meso-, and macro-levels. Comparative […]
Gáspár, T., Sass, M.: ‘Space-time dents’ in global value chains – The Hungarian case
‘Space-time dents’ in global value chains – The Hungarian case Authors: Tamás Gáspár and Magdolna Sass In: Society and Economy, 45(3), 173-185. DOI: Abstract The paper takes a special perspective to summarise what researchers have revealed on global value chains in Hungary. The ‘space-time’ structure is how the ‘force field’ of the […]