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Szalavetz, A., Skala, A.: An empty shell? Relocation of central and eastern European startups, virtual headquarters and beyond

An empty shell? Relocation of central and eastern European startups, virtual headquarters and beyond   Authors: Andrea Szalavetz, Agnieszka Skala In: Geoforum, 154, 104074   Abstract Some of the best technology startups born in CEE moved their headquarters to a foreign jurisdiction before scaling. These ventures became ‘foreign’ companies but kept the principal business functions […]

Szalavetz, A.: In-house software development for software-defined vehicles: major changes ahead in automotive value chains?

In-house software development for software-defined vehicles: major changes ahead in automotive value chains?   Author: Andrea Szalavetz In: International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (2024) DOI:   Abstract In response to the emergence of software-defined vehicles, incumbent OEMs announced software-focused strategies. Seeking to move software development in-house, they invested in building the requisite […]

Szalavetz, A. et al.: Branchenanalyse Automobil- und Automobilzulieferindustrie in Mittelost- und Südosteuropa

Branchenanalyse Automobil- und Automobilzulieferindustrie in Mittelost- und Südosteuropa Vor der Transition zur Elektromobilität   Szerzők: Martin Krzywdzinski, Bolesław Domański, Ştefan Guga, Krzysztof Gwosdz, Julia Kubisa, Katarína Lukáčová, Monika Martišková, Tibor Meszmann, Petr Pavlínek, Katarzyna Rakowska, Andrea Szalavetz   In: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Working Paper Forschungsförderung Nummer 326, März 2024   Absztrakt (németül) Die Transition zur Elektromobilität verläuft […]

Szalavetz, A.: Agricultural Technology Start-ups – Romania and Hungary Compared

Agricultural Technology Start-ups – Romania and Hungary Compared   Author: Andrea Szalavetz In: Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 23(1), 34-45. Abstract This paper departs from the hypothesis that in the era of agriculture 4.0, start-ups specialised in digital agricultural technology (AT) have the potential not only to rapidly grow, but also to have a beneficial […]